background computer and personal photo

Jonathan Viegas

Software Developer

About me

Developer, specializing in Java. Student of Systems Analysis. Entrepreneur, owner of a small family business. Worked for years in the administrative and financial areas. Ready to work on big projects and help teams achieve their results.


Finance & Management

During my career, I did work in several areas within a company, from its financial control to customer service and even the complete sales process.

Business Skills:

Sales and cost analysis, business and financial planning, pricing, cash flow control, financial math and bookkeeping.

Business Tools:

Microsoft Excel, VBA, Bank Systems, Tax Systems, SAP and ERP.

Programming Languages

I develop systems focusing on the backend with Java as the principal programming language and Spring Boot as the most used framework for this task. I also know frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, and Angular.


Java, Python, C, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Dev Tools and Frameworks:

Intellij, Eclipse, Netbeans, Spring Boot, Angular, Flask, JPA, Hibernate, JDBC, Visual Studio Code, Dbeaver, Postman.

Complementary Skills

The knowledge required of a developer goes beyond programming languages, so I've been expanding my understanding of these tools and processes.


Databases, servers, operating systems, containerization, testing and documentation.

Tools and Technologies:

MySQL, PostgreSQL, H2, Heroku, Linux, Docker, JUnit, Swagger.


two girls looking at the computer

Person API

This REST API provides a system for managing people, being able to register a person by their first name, last name, personal ID, birthdate, and phone numbers. In addition, it is also possible to query a record or list all records according to a sorting criterion.

  • Java
  • Spring
  • H2
  • Heroku
brazil's map

Cities API

This REST API provides a search and navigation system for information related to countries and locations in Brazil. In addition, it also provides the functionality of calculating the distance between two locations by their geographic points.

  • Java
  • Spring
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku
people sitting at a conference table

Meeting Scheduler API

This REST API provides a system to manage meetings, being able to register a meeting by its date, start time, and end time. It also updates meeting information after its creation and deletes it if desired.

  • Java
  • Spring
  • H2
  • Heroku
beer in glass pouring foam next to ice cubes and bottles

Beer Stocks API

This REST API provides a system for managing beer stocks, offering the functionality to register a beer by its name, brand, quantity in stock and max limit. in addition, it is also possible to search an individual beer by its name and list all registered beers.

  • Java
  • Spring
  • H2
  • Heroku
meeting scheduler app running on eletronic devices

Meeting Scheduler App

This Angular application provides a system to manage meetings, being able to register a meeting by its date, start time, and end time. It also updates meeting information after its creation and deletes it if desired.

  • Bootstrap
  • Typescript
  • Angular
portfolio's page running in multiple browsers

Portfolio's Page

My portfolio's webpage contains information about my profile and career, details about my programming skills and technologies I use in the development process, and some descriptions and links to the projects I've done so far.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript